Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Exhibition Detail | Lost and Found

In the lead up to Lost and Found at Wallflower, opening Friday 10th August, we will be taking a closer look at individual images from the exhibition. Each photo contained in the show has been swept from a home, damaged by sea and salvaged from the wreckage during the clean-up efforts following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Despite the thousands returned to their owners by The Memory Salvage Project there were many too damaged to be recognized, unclaimed and almost discarded before they were formed into a travelling exhibition, a reminder highlighting the ongoing impact of this disaster.

An interview with Munemasa Takahashi, initiator of the Lost and Found exhibitions, was recorded by's "exposures" blog:

We also have an interview from Inside Art with Naomi Cass, Center for Contemporary Photography director. This episode aired July 4th 2012.

Lost and Found: Family Photo's swept away by the 3/11 East Japan Tsunami will open at Wallflower Photomedia Gallery on the 10th August 2012 at 5pm. 

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